Benefits of Eating Banana Daily in The Morning

You must have noticed that banana is one such fruit which is available in the market for 12 to 12 months. Now whether it is the rainy season, summer season or winter season. There are many benefits to eating bananas. But many people think that eating bananas leads to fat. But this is not the case at all. Once you have the benefits of eating bananas, then after that you will start eating bananas again. More than 1000 varieties of bananas are found all over the world. You will be surprised to know that in the year 2017, 114 million tonnes of bananas were produced in the world. Of which, India ranks first among banana growers. According to data from 2010 to 2017, India produces about 29 million tan bananas every year. Every year more than 10,000 crore bananas are eaten all over the world. That is, more than 1,87,500 bananas are eaten in the world every minute. Usually, the same people eat more bananas that are associated with a sport. Apart from this, people going to the gym are also advised to eat bananas. Banana is not only good in taste but it also gives great energy to your body. Bananas contain about 64.3% of the water content. The rest is 24.7% carbohydrate, 8.3% smoothness, and 1.3% protein.

Now Let Us Know What Are the Benefits of Eating Bananas

Reduce Stress

In today's modern era, there will probably be someone who is not struggling with stress. It is becoming a very serious problem. Many elements are found in bananas that are helpful in relieving stress. Stress grabs a person in such a way that he does not understand anything. If you eat a banana at that time, it will help you to think and reduce stress.

Helpful In Reducing Weight

When you eat the banana, you will feel that your stomach is full. This is why you feel very less hungry after that. Then it is natural for you to lose weight due to loss of appetite. You must have also noticed that people taking a fast consume bananas on that day. Because it not only eradicates their hunger but also provides them energy.

Beneficial for Eyes

Actually, vitamin-A is also found in bananas. Vitamin-A is considered very important for the eyes. According to a study, people who eat 3 or more bananas in a day have better eyesight than other people. Because eating bananas reduces the risk of spotty disorder in the eyes. This is believed to be one of the main reasons for reduced eye light.

Strengthens the Digestive System

Often people are very upset with their stomach problems, which results in them going to freshen up several times a day. But if you eat bananas every day, then you can get rid of many diseases related to the stomach. Along with reducing the heat in your stomach, it also makes the digestive system strong.

Beneficial for Heart Health

As we have already told you that many types of substances are found in bananas. One of these is also potassium. Potassium helps to keep the heartbeat balanced. Often people who eat bananas have a significantly lower risk of stroke. Along with this, he also stays away from many diseases.

Some Other Benefits of Eating Bananas

  • If you have any problems related to blood, then eating bananas can overcome these problems.

  • Bananas are quite beneficial for pregnant women. So they should eat more and more bananas.

  • Bananas are also very beneficial for those who have frequent urination. Such people should drink banana juice mixed with ghee.

  • If you eat bananas with cow's milk then your mouth blisters will be cured.

  • If you do not have sleep disorders, that is, you feel sleepy after a while, then you must eat bananas. Eating this will make you feel restful.

  • Bananas are very helpful in thinning the blood. It helps in reducing the amount of cholesterol from the blood. So that the blood flows easily through the veins.

The Appropriate Time to Eat Bananas

Hopefully, by now you have come to know many features of bananas (Banana Benefits). But now we will tell you what is the best time to eat bananas. So let's know the appropriate time to eat bananas. Often people eat bananas only when they want to, but they should not do this at all. Bananas are also an appropriate time to eat.

  • You can eat a banana every day after waking up in the morning. And immediately after that, if you drink a glass of milk, then it will be more beneficial for you.

  • According to Ayurveda, consuming bananas in the morning is always beneficial. However, there is no force to eat bananas in the morning. You can eat bananas even during the day, but only after eating food can you eat bananas.

  • Most importantly, not only bananas but any other fruit you should never eat at night or at bedtime. Avoid eating any fruit at night, it will be much better.

  • If you go to the gym or are feeling very tired, then you must consume bananas for energy in the body.

  • If you are coming from outside playing sports then you can eat bananas. This will generate a lot of energy in your body.

  • Students should eat bananas before the paper as it sharpens their minds. The potassium present in it increases their brain power even more.


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