What Are the Causes of Headache and Its Treatment | Take Health Info

What is Headache

Headache, when we hear these words, we go into the memories of the headache of the last time. Pain that starts out mild and gradually increases slightly and sometimes becomes unbearable. Sometimes it happens that even after taking medicines, we do not get relief from headaches.

Many people consider regular headaches as a fact of their life, but there is a cure for this problem and that treatment is 'Meditation'. It may sound a little strange, but it is possible to get rid of headaches through meditation.

Why Does The Headache Happen?

Headaches can be caused by stress, excessive physical and mental exertion, insufficient sleep and loss of appetite, motion sickness, excessive noise and overuse of electronic devices. And sometimes overthinking and not drinking enough water can also cause headaches.

The Main Causes of Headache Are:

  • Tension
  • exhaustion in mind and body
  • low blood pressure
  • lack of sleep
  • loud noise
  • talking on the phone for a long time
  • think too much


When it becomes difficult to handle the tension in the body and mind, then this walk takes the form of pain. And to remove this stress, you have to meditate because by meditating stress can be reduced. Overall, this means that you have to meditate for 10 to 20 minutes every day.

Exhaustion of Mind and Body

Throughout the day, many tasks have to be completed while running at home and work. At such times, meditation refreshes you and fills you with energy. Your smile returns and the freshness of the morning comes with just 20 minutes of meditation in the evening. It gives you complete relaxation so that you can spend quality time with your family.

Unbalanced Body System

You must have noticed that when your stomach is upset, you start getting headache. All the parts of our body are connected to each other so any kind of imbalance in one part affects the other. When you take care every day of what you are eating and how much you are eating. If you take care of your diet and start being aware of it, then digestion improves and the body also becomes balanced. Thus the chances of headache are reduced.

Low Blood Flow to The Head

When you meditate for 10-20 minutes a day, not only gives deep relaxation to the mind but also increases the blood flow to the head area. The increased blood flow to this area reduces the chances of headaches.

Insufficient Sleep

Long working hours, excessive working habits or addiction to TV and the internet, all these are excuses for sleeping late at night. But sometimes we get late in sleeping at night due to some reason. It's almost normal to be late for sleep whenever a project is coming up or there's a late-night client meeting. So because of this, meditation helps you to cope with the pressure of such work, fills you with energy.

Excessive Noise

We all must have experienced excessive noise at some point or the other, and there are many people who cannot tolerate noise at all and soon start complaining of headaches. At such times, meditation gives you the ability to accept any situation. Due to which you can remain calm and comfortable in any kind of situation.

Talking on The Phone for a Long Time

This is a situation that can be difficult to avoid at times. We do all this work every day in our life, taking day-long client calls or visiting friends from home and abroad. Due to which talking for a long time becomes the cause of headache. But for this you do not need to worry, whenever you feel that you are feeling dizzy, just meditate for some time, it will remove your stress.

Home Remedies to getting Rid of Headache

Yoga - Regular practice of yoga, which includes the above yogasanas and pranayama (Nadi shodhana pranayama and bhramari pranayama) is very effective. After that do 20 minutes of meditation. By which you will get relief from headache.

Drink More Water - There is also pain due to a lack of water in the body. By which you should drink a sufficient amount of water because whenever you meditate it helps in removing toxins. After this, you need more water to cleanse the bodily system. Which is an easy remedy to get relief from headache.


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